My lawn went to heck (2015)
Installation, Hivernacle, Barcelona
Jardin de Can Mantega was once donated to the workers of the Sants district in Barcelona for recreational purposes. Over the years, the park has been rebuilt several times. Albeit the installation touch upon the necessity of change, it also offers hands-on solutions on how to make things last (forever).
"My lawn went to heck after my wife fell ill and I felt terrible about the way it looked to my neighbors. I purchased the product and sprayed it green myself; it looks great and how easy! Wife is fine now and so is the lawn."[1]
Spray cans, plant
Donde e[s]ta el parke
Oil on wood
Donde esta el parke?
Clay, wooden box, pile of earth (altered)
[1] Todd and Tammy Webster, Temecula, CA., testimonials
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